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the texting chronicles: v.2

texting + bathroom stall = awkward

one day [among many] i was texting while in the old main bathroom. i just happened to be famous for dropping my phone at least twice a day, and on this particular day i just so happen to pick one of those times to drop it during this bathroom episode. my phone happens to break into three pieces every time i drop it. lucky me, the three parts of my phone happened to slide into three different stalls. the first was ok, the lady saw it and slid the main part of the phone to me. the next, i reached under to grab the battery because it was just within reach and the lady in the stall screeched and squealed, "what are you doing?!" yeah, definitely didn't respond to that... the third presented a bit of a problem. the back of my phone was all the way on the back of the stall, there was no way i was reachin it any day soon. looking back now, i realize i could've just waited for the lady to be done with her business but i wasn't really thinking at the time. so i knocked on the door to ask her to hand it to me. who knows what she was thinking, personally i would've been a little weirded out had i been the one in the stall where someone was knocking. but she chuckled and, with some effort, kicked the remainder of my phone to me.
i forfeited washing my hands for making it out of there before any of these three fine ladies emerged from their stalls... needless to say i was a bit embarrassed :-/ however, proud to say i did learn from this lesson and i haven't texted in a public restroom stall since.


  1. The most absolutely cool thing about this story is the fact that I can see advertisements for some place called Jacknob. Priceless really.

  2. hey, ya gotta get your quality toilet partition hardware somewhere! ;)
