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i was struck this morning as i read in the recent general conference the opening talk by president monson.  he spoke about the terrible things in the world, then said "there is much that is difficult and challenging in the world today, my brothers and sisters, but there is also much that is good and uplifting." he then quoted the 13th article of faith: "if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy, we seek after these things."  

to me, it is no coincidence the usage of the word seek.  in a world where values, morals, and standards are crumbling, seeking for the good should be, really has to be, our main priority.  evil is more readily accessible than good, then it ever has been, and is often the easy way out.  luckily we have been given many promises to help us combat this evil, one of which says, "be of good cheer, i have overcome the world."  

elder holland once said that the commandment to "be of good cheer" was one of the most widespread disobeyed commandment of all time.  "men are, that they might have joy" - and it is only through the pursuit of "anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report, or praiseworthy" that we can find that cheer and joy we are searching for, and that Father in Heaven wants us to feel everyday.    

president monson expresses a heartfelt thanks to each of us for our service then says, "it is such service that enables the Lord to accomplish many of His purposes here upon the earth."  the Lord has designed very specific ways of helping us feel satisfaction and happiness, and service to Him is one of the best.  think about God.  His whole work and glory is to bring us all back to Him and allow us to live in a state of perfect happiness - a fulness of joy - surrounded by and eternally tied to those we love most.  our commission here on earth - our whole purpose for existing - is to aid in that work.  how humbling is that?!  

the gospel is true.  God lives.  His promises are real, tangibly so.  we are never alone.  


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