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has the day of miracles ceased?

when i was leaving the mission one month ago, my little brother coleman said he still expected me to send him weekly miracles i was seeing.  it was a small almost fleeting comment, but i've thought about it a lot since being home.  we always hear about the amazing miracles missionaries see and experience.  as a missionary my eyes were opened to just how many miracles there are daily and really every moment of our lives, i made the commitment, inspired by coleman, to continue to seek and recognize those miracles in "normal" life.  wanted to share one with you today:

tuesday i was running an errand for my boss.  just heading to a business a few blocks away from our office to pick up some checks and pins for an event we had on wednesday.  after i picked up all the supplies, i was pulling out of the parking garage and accidentally went the wrong way, thinking there were 2 exits.  it wasn't a big deal, only wasted about 5 seconds of my time because i quickly turned around and went the other way.  i kept driving along 600 east downtown to get back to the office.  usually the lights going north - south on 6th are extremely long so i was surprised when i came to the 200 south intersection and the light was green.  i went to proceed into the intersection when suddenly this huge semi came tearing through the other way!  he had run a red light at a ridiculously fast speed.  if i had been even a few seconds earlier, i would've been hit broadside and most likely killed.  he was going so fast, not paying attention, and if my car and the semi got in a fight i would not have won... after i caught my breath a bit, and replayed what had just happened, just pulled over and said a fervent prayer thanking Father for sparing me from that accident. 

i guess you just never know why some things happen the way they do.  "has the day of miracles ceased?  i say unto you, nay!"  

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