ok - snow - what?
wanna see the best video ever! check out my favorite ward boys: they just crackkk me uppp
i've been having some pretty random bouts of random thoughts recently! one day i decided i was going to shave my arms. the next, i painted my toenails purple. the next week i decided i was going to go on a mission this summer. then yesterday decided i was staying in logan this summer rather than moving back to salt lake. . . don't know what's gotten into me recently.
fyi i didn't really shave my arms and i'm not going on a mission - yet ;) - and i'm not staying in logan this summer either. like i said, spontaneity is my our name.
i'm too much of a homebody to be away from them any longer!
21 in 7 days. wooooot.
for quite some time now i've been really excited for ballroom to be over... but now that it is i'm a little sad! who will i dance with now?!
pomegranate-blueberry v8 = win!
i love it when random people you haven't thought about in a while suddenly pop back into your life. seriously, makes me smile. a lot.
sooo grateful to talk to jashley at work today - she said just what i need to hear! (always does..) i'm gonna miss you this summah, girlie!!
i've got the best home teachers in the world! even if they do wait till the last day of the month... hah.
i've been writing lol a lot lately and i don't appreciate myself for it. no bueno. guess it's better than actually saying it - "lolololol" LOL jen. bahhh
i was SO close to texting mrg yesterday but resisted. (really big news for me, actually. this marks the beginning of an end, and it makes me excited, or rather relieved)
i absolutely adore it when boys open doors for me! call me old fashioned, but on campus when a random stranger opens the door and smiles, especially when he sees you coming and stands there to wait for ya - melts my little heart!
mads on broadway this friday... can i just say how STOKED i am?!
obsessed with michael buble this week. mmmm jazz.
i'm going to find a way to get whit to be mrs. zach zirkle ;)
i'm also going to find a way to let joyce meet super junior. mmhmm
i. really. like. nachos.
holy moly venture outdoors is SOON.
"the snow is snowin', the wind is blowin', but i can weather the storm, what do i care how much it may storm, i got my love to keep me warm"
a little fed up with efy right now. seriously?
"love in a box" by workday release - new favorite song!
wish i could work full time for LEAP all summah!
speaking of - cannot WAIT for LEAP. as you all know, it's the highlight of my life every year.
think i convinced annie to come visit this summah!
take all of your so-called problems, better put them in quotations
SUMMAH!! it's so soon!
excited to live with this woman next year:

kmud <3
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