under deliverance, over power. bah.
miesh photography
i really like photography-stalking people.
photo blogs are the greatest.
this girl takes some of the most stunning portraits
i've ever seen in my life. and, i know her.
the infamous michelle taylor! aka { miesh }
check her stuff out. i am nothing short of obsessed.
sara has no h. ever.
good looks like
"nobody wants to admit to this, but bad things will keep
on happening. maybe that's because it's all a chain and a
long time ago someone did the first bad thing, and that
led someone else to do another bad thing, and so on.
you know, like that game where you whisper a sentence
into someone's ear and that person whispers
it to someone else, and it all comes
out wrong in the end.
maybe bad things happen because it's the only
way we can keep remembering
what good is supposed to look like…"
--19 minutes
the staple
pb& jail
6.5 minutes
single-ly silent.
and plays maffia wars.
and puts scandalous things in the wash.
and sleeps with the lights on. in her shoes.
and drives arnez.
and takes over all the couches with her stuff.
we love her. so much.
what would life be without tatum?
completely boring.
parkour, extreme
"- i learned that a ream of paper has 300 sheets.
- i thought it was 500. - oh, so i guess i didn't
learn anything."
hey, i'm sara.
fall mornings
crisp enough that it feels like a new day, but not too cold.
like long pants and a light jacket days.
by the afternoon it gets warm, and i love that too.
fall nights are absolute heaven, especially when the moon
stunningly shines over the mountains.
i've decided i really like being a morning person.
all this waking up at crack of dawn for elementary school
has got me in the habit, and who knew i would enjoy it so much?
reminds me of a younger and more self-determined me, haa.
early to bed and early to rise really does make you feel
healthy, wealthy, and wise. (imagine that...)
"every hour before 1:00 PM = 2 hours after 1:00 PM."
leap doesn't lie.
ps it's pouring rain outside and i am in utter bliss.
chart topper
believable until tested.
In principle, a reality she reached out to grab,
but in front of her, only memories
bound so tightly to her heart they slowed its uneven beating.
memories that tied the world to her fingertips
with spontaneous giggles or thoughtful smiles.
trapped in a daydream, the world played on.
pushing pause, back to empty reality,
that dream mocked to death by time itself.
a pile of days since she’d seen him
crawled toward the next time she would.
cold, fearful, and shivering, her heart wrung dry,
eyes blue, deep, and alone.
her mask of pretending worn out,
not from pretending she was okay
when unexpected friends asked,
but from pretending her heart wasn’t battered
when assumed “friends” left her hanging on a harsh limb
to fight for life as their busy lives inched on.
so oblivious, how could they understand?
but a greater power knew, knows.
clinging to that power with all her strength,
a glimmer of hope found that one day
things would be the way they were,
but pleasantly different.
determined, her once functional heart pounds
in perfect time with the ever-ticking clock
of anticipation.
completely imperfect
we are imperfect people trying to live the perfect gospel;
loving imperfect others completely, without a
complete understanding of them. that's possible.
"in the end, it's these small things that you remember.
the little imperfections that make someone truly perfect to you."
my sister will be suspicious
we thought last year was our one-hit wonder,
you with your michael, me with my norah,
but this was fun. good thing we have dr. bill, right?
baby, it really is cold outside. . .
miss you, sir alex! : )