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buzzers and bells

it's a funny thing, being a byu hater.  funny because i've found no matter how much you (pretend to) hate provo and everything associated with it, something there always tends to draw you back.  i'm gettin' nervous, kids.  before freshman year, i'd been to provo MAYBE 4 times in my whole life.... 3 for EFY and once for a youth conference service project.  freshman year i went to provo uno timo, to see michael g.  ONCE.  sophomore year i made the trip twice, to see jen.  this year [brace yourselves] in my junior status i have visited provo not once, not twice, but FIVE times!!  it is disgusting, even to myself.  but that's not even the worst... or the end... of it.  i may or may not be living there for 2 of this summer's months.  AH.  at this exponential rate we are currently increasing at, by next year i'll have made a pact to keep the honor code and raise my family in happy valley.  someone stop me before it goes too far, i do wish to keep my sanity.  

that being said, this was a pretty stinkin' stellar weekend in provo.  it's true what they say, it definitely grows on you (see above paragraph).   but if coleman ever asks, i never said that.  but while i've tried to be better about not mocking byu or the people that go there, i think it's safe to do some friendly mocking while you're actually there.  don't question my reasoning.  it's like a "that's what she said" joke.  it's that much more relevant when everyone in the room knows what it means, and can appreciate it.  a "only at byu" joke just makes that much more sense when you're actually at byu.  so honor code that.  

this weekend's highlights include, but are not limited to: 

- walking into mom's meeting, as per usual
- stealing food from the house, also as per usual
- getting lost for hours in ikea (could never go there with anyone besides whit) 

- finding a couch in the middle of the freeway and watching a semi try to drive around it. 
- sitting on the floor at the provo city library, reading children's books
- attempting not to get lost in the crazy HUGE city of provo 
- picking up jen, and jen not bailing on a night with us 
- dinner date at zupas (favorite restaurant) with ems, jen, and whit
- going on the funnest date i've been on in a while!!  <3 jake.  
- comedy sportz, ice cream, loaded questions, grocery store adventures, and cramming in the back of jordan's car with jake, tyrell (who's not black...dang...) and whit 
- realizing all 4 people we were with - jen, whit, em, and i - are people pleasers and can't make decisions.  at all.  
- "hugs all around"
- "what is burgers"
- deeming it "talk in a funny voice weekend" 
- visiting jason brown, ricky, tiana, jennie, megan, and michael g, no matter how awkward he still is... baha ha  
- watching em's roommates make s'mores on the stove at 2:30AM
- as per usual, facebook stalking and discussions about what we did for fun before facebook was invented, then realizing how pathetic we are.  blogging into the night.  
- going to bed later than i have in like a year... and loving it
- talking to whit until 4AM about being cuddle-hungry... ha ha it's time for a boyfriend
- sleep - in saturday
- spaghetti surprise and switching cars dreams
- fruitcake friday making!  and fyi turned out AMAZING
- cafe rio lunching - mostly because i got my 10th stamp which means next time i go - FREE MEAL!! 
- glee!!  (which, by the way, comes back today, couldn't be more exciteddddd) 
- almost getting whipped to death by the crazy boys in front of bountiful court.  cool, dudes.  
- shower planning with the lovely camille 
- meeting leo, my dear julie's significant other
- SUBZERO!!  favorite ice cream place :)  
- trying to convince jordan to hang out with us sat. night when he had previous engagements (boo) 
- making it out of provo with no help from anyone... ha ha... 
- going to a reception of a stranger, then running into mrs. wilson, my 2nd grade teacher, realizing the mother of the bride was my elem secretary and the bride wasn't such a stranger after all
- trying to find said reception, or rather a walmart to buy gift wrap for present for said bride.  ha ha! 
- realizing after all that effort, we didn't even include the card in the gift because it had fallen out.  oopsie.  my bad. 
- magnificent reunions with katie and colin - game night and of course a midnight trip to molca!  what could be finer... honestly
- sleeping soundly, but shortly
- sweet rolls for breakfast, i love my momma
- singles ward with allie who taught relief society and did an excellent job
- surprisingly getting really excited to be back in my singles ward this summer!  (weird, right?!) 
- seeing recently engaged cousin katie and cute chandler - so tender!  really, though.  
- seeing michael unexpectedly in the parking lot at church... yet another awkward (for him) but hilarious (for me) encounter
- realizing that michael is destined to always be awkward around me from here on out... and laughing about it... 
-  playing games with my 2 bestest sisters
- alan's art gallery and medical explanations.  what would life be like without them?  durdkljsaf;jkasdlfjeouir;ldsfjgfklj
- visiting aunt shelly :)  
- sunday dinner with the fam - always love those homecooked meals!  
- driving back to logan and the lovely discussions with whit on the way.  
- losing all motivation for he THIRD time.  1st spring of break = bad.  2nd spring of break = worse.  3rd spring of break = i'm hopeless.  don't ask me to do anything productive.  so much so that i even took out the guitar and played for 3.5 hours last night, putting off all homework until... way past the due date.  it's not good.  good thing this semester is the calm before the hell ELED storm and my classes are piece of cake (besides PE mehh).  on the guitar note though, i FINALLY was able to write my first real song and it was awesome!  (not the song, just the simple fact that i wrote one... ha ha).  inspired by parker's "what if we fall out of love" song.  once i learn more chords than the 12 i know, ha ha... there will be more song writing to come, i just know it.  

so yeah.  pretty much the best weekend i've had in a while, and this list surely doesn't do it justice.  it's pretty safe to say whit and i get along way too well and i love it.  as kellen and i were discussing it's pretty much like hanging out with myself all weekend.  and it was, but way better because there was 2, sometimes 3 of me HA HA.  whit and i say the same things at the same time, know the same lyrics to the same songs, decide to change octaves at the same time while singing said songs, think the same things at the same time.  it's too creepy for it's own good.  maybe one of us should get our own personality.  nah.  

but that's that.  happy valley extravaganza #5 done and done. 

and now, excuse me while i go watch the newest episode of GLEE!!!  

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog. You are the cutest. And I love that you are a fellow BYU-hater. I know how you feel because I'm technically a cougar out here in London and while it makes me squirm, it grows on you a little. But I am NOT a cougar!!! And congrats on the guitar song, you are so talented!
