today, i found a pretty green bird, DEAD, at the elementary school. in the middle of the sidewalk right in front of the front door. naturally, being the good citizen i am, i promptly told the office lady about it. she looked at me with the nastiest look of disbelief and shrugged, "so?" seriously? ... a kid came in crying two minutes later. should've listened to me, office lady. should've listened.
had to teach a class about punctuation today. you better believe i role played with my roommate last night! (poor jenele...) who knew all those painful companionship studies would come in handy one day!
smith's was having a 4 for $12 sale on cases of dr. pepper. of course shannen bought all 4 packs. and, it was only $10! take that fresh market! ...and let's just say now we know why shannen is so hyper all the time...
we always get out of reading class an hour and a half early. today was no exception. i feel like i should complain because i'm paying for the full 3 hours 15 minutes, but it is SO nice, especially when it's the last class of the week.
groupon is going to be the death of me. seriously....
math teacher claims 4 hours alloted for online test will be sufficient. panicked student today said it took her all 4 hours. shoot me now. i don't think i even have 4 free hours to set aside.
ward mission leader forgot to tell me it was my turn to teach on sunday. good thing i felt like i should ask. and good thing i've never met him... all in good time i suppose. but honestly, the orders over text message are getting old... ba ha ha.
while i'm here being bombarded with sweatshirt-worthy nights and crisp, fall mornings, allie is over celebrating life on a cruise! j e a l o u s. hopefully she'll bring us back some sand. mm.
got a letter from zack today. he included a letter from an angry anti-mormon lady they ran into. the letter was pretty funny actually. what makes it even more funny is that zack ALWAYS runs into the antis! always ALWays ALWAYS. too too funny! i'll post it here:
"dear anthony and zack,
as promised i have sought God's wisdom and written down the doctrinal differences that separate our beliefs. please be honest... i would like you to address each of these doctrines with your 'scripture' references.
i pray that the Lord Jesus Christ will reveal the TRUTH to you, remove the scales of blindness and deception from your hearts and minds, and that you will be released form the bondage of the Mormon cult and enter into the freedom and love and salvation that Jesus Christ has appointed for you should you receive Him into your life as Lord and Savior.
God loves you, and so do i... in Christ's love, i tell you, you are deceived and believing a lie, a false Jesus and a false spirit. worst of all, you are preaching false gospel. you are in my prayers and i invite you to accept Christ, the TRUE AND ONLY GOD."
thanks for your concern, lady, but i'm pretty darn happy where i'm at. i'm glad people are all entitled to their own opinions, and that God works with everyone to guide them to truth. and hey, i believe more people should be preaching and publicizing their faith! too many people are closet believers. so, more power to her. i've always wondered about the false Jesus concept... there's just one Jesus, how can the mormon Jesus be different from everyone else's? these are the questions i ponder at night.
fare thee well, i'm off to the library.
ps. banana bread with rin!
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